Why Not…Make Yourself a ‘Ta-Da!’ List

to-do list

I’ll bet you’ve got a ton of ‘to-do’ lists, especially this time of year. As someone who is a list Master (mostly because I can’t seem to remember exactly what it is that I need at the grocery on any given day), I’ve found they are a key component of my life. Besides grocery lists, I’ve got lists for:

  • books I want to read
  • gift ideas for various people
  • daily priorities
  • business & personal goals
  • gifts given in any particular year to friends and family
  • new or recommended shows to watch

…and on and on. Of course, I always have a list of items that I take with me when I go clothes shopping. These might be pieces I need to complete an outfit, or an item that needs replacing in my wardrobe because it’s best days are behind it, or maybe just a new trend I want to take a look at.

Recently I came across an idea, however, that I feel I must share with you. It’s the concept of the ‘ta-da!’ list. I get a lot of great inspirations from blogs I listen to when I’m in the car – in particular lately is the Happier podcast, with Gretchen Rubin. Gretchen Rubin started her career in law, clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. She’s gone on to write a number of books, most recently, books dealing with happiness and habits. I love listening to the Happier podcast that she does with her sister, and it was in one of those episodes that they discussed the concept of the ‘ta-da’ list. I think it’s brilliant.

First of all, the to-do list is a little bit of a nag, isn’t it? It’s the list of things we have yet to, a reminder that we’ve got all of this stuff to accomplish.  Yes, the to-do list helps keep us on track and is (they say) invaluable for helping us internalize and achieve long-term goals.  But I love the idea of actually celebrating things we have already accomplished too! The ‘Ta-Da!’ list!

Did you lose 5 pounds of your larger goal? Ta-da!
Did you clean out a section of your closet? Ta-da!
Did you make your guest room guest-ready? Ta-da!
Did you read a new book this week? Ta-da!

My favorite Ta-da list is my ‘Books read’ list for the year. I realized that I had stopped reading for pleasure and I really missed it. So I made a concerted effort (and set aside the time) to read a little, if not every day, then every week. I set a rather ambitious goal of 52 books in 2017 (my to-do list).  It truly gives me pleasure to add to and look at my Books Read Ta-Da list and see that I’ve read 32 books already this year. No – I won’t make it to 52 books but boy am I happy that I read as many as I did!

So I ask you – why not start a Ta-Da list of your own? Write down the things you accomplish as they happen and then look at it throughout the year to give yourself a little boost, a personal pat on the back? We can all use a little Ta-Da in our lives!

Thanks for reading!


Adena DiTonno

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Meet Adena

“Outer order contributes to inner calm.” (Gretchen Rubin)

Helping my clients achieve and maintain an orderly closet and home is my passion. Whether it’s designing their dream closet…or efficient office space…or orderly garage… I help my clients look forward to facing their day.  When their environment is beautiful and functional, they can feel free to focus on what matters most in their lives. 

Are you ready for that kind of peace of mind?  Let’s talk!

